Sunday, October 26, 2008

i neVer had a dream come tRue~!

S CLUB 7 said " i never had a dream come true"...wiLL my dream to get thIs PSP come true? huhuhu...juSt wait n c..wawawa!! cantik beb!! pinky seyh..*wink*


ipah said...

aihhh kmk mok meli psp juak....brp rega kat msia ah?i tot to buy in msia.i tink sitok mahal gk bah

Myzarafini Abdullah said...

kt sitok yg plg cheaper rm780 if black in color la...yg plg mahal ada yg 3K. sik sure apa diffrent nya. buT yg ada color2x (if yg biasa ya), dlm 800-1000 la..ada kt wisma hopoh. u know wre wisma hopoh? ngeh2x..(ney tauk dh sik ingt =p)